
DIY Bath Paint Recipe — Easy and Fun to Make with the Kids

Is bath time difficult at your house? Are the kids getting bored in the tub? Looking for an activity that’s easy for you to make with the kids? If the answer is “yes” to any of those questions, try making some bath paint. It’s easy and you probably already have the ingredients to make it at home.

bath paint recipe

*Here’s What You’ll Need:

1/4 cup of some kind of soap, shampoo, body wash (whatever you have on hand, especially if you have something you’re trying to get rid of)
1/4 cup cornstarch
3-4 drops food coloring (I like Wilton’s gel food coloring — it makes more vivid colors and they have a wide selection of color choices)
1 or 2 Tbsp of water (as needed for thicker consistency)
some kind of silicone or plastic tray or muffin tin to put bath soap in (I use these plastic containers with lids so we can save what we didn’t use or if I want to give as a gift)

Mix soap, cornstarch, and food coloring together.
bath paint

Add 1 Tbsp water as needed until your bath paint mixture is thick enough not to be runny and sill stay if you paint on the tub with it on a paintbrush. If you get it too thin, add some more cornstarch to your bath paint mixture. Mix until smooth and pour into tray or containers (the batches I made filled about 1 4oz. containers).

I have found that the paint will last if you put it in an airtight container. The soap, cornstarch and food coloring may start to separate, but all I did was shake it before use. You may have to add a little water as well but I didn’t have to. Some people have asked about the food coloring staining the tub — I didn’t have this problem, but we used it and then washed the paint off after bath time. If this is a sticking point for you, you may want to try liquid washable watercolors to color your paint. They can be a little pricey, but I use them often for a variety of crafts and projects.

Bath paint is not only fun but it can be a fun sensory activity. It’s a fun color and has a unique texture, but if you use a paintbrush, you can work on fine motor skills.

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