
Lesson Plan Themes for Preschool: How About Adding Yoga?

Creating lesson plan themes for preschool can sometimes feel repetitive, or at least it sometimes did for me years ago (keeping in mind that was before Pinterest!) Have you ever thought about incorporating yoga into your preschool lesson plans?

Yoga can add an entirely new experience for children while they’re learning. Studies have shown that movement helps children learn and retain information, so what better way to do that than with yoga? Not only will children learn while moving, but they will also receive the other benefits that yoga provides:


Yoga is also great for lesson plans when the weather isn’t cooperating and everyone is stuck inside. It gives children an outlet or change of pace they need during the course of the day. Erin P., a teacher says, “Hands down a fabulous yoga resource! We loved this so much we bought the other packs. This is an amazing yoga program. So good for our students as well as us!”

You don’t need to have any previous yoga experience to incorporate yoga into your classroom. You don’t have to be flexible to do yoga. In fact, inflexibility is why a lot of people practice yoga to begin with — their lack of flexibility! Over time they become more flexible.


Yogalore has created numerous themed yoga pose card sets to make the transition to yoga during your school day. This makes lesson planning and themes easy! These can be printed out and made into flip books, or used on any digital device. The cards have all been designed horizontally so the entire pose card can be seen on a screen. Our cards also are great for distance/remote learning! We’ve received rave review from teachers who have said they love using our yoga pose cards because parents and siblings have been participating in remote learning with the children.

“Love this resource! it’s so great to make a meaningful story [that’s] movement-based to get the children involved and interested!”                                      — Sophie K.


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