
NO Previous Yoga Experience Required! Parents Can Practice Too!

So often I hear a parent say, “I can’t do yoga, I’m not flexible at ALL!” Truth is, you don’t have to be flexible to do yoga. At all. In fact, it’s very forgiving. It’s is all about accepting your body and what it’s capable of on any given day. Some days my balance is off because of chronic pain I experience sometimes. Or maybe I try a pose I’ve done hundreds of times but today, It’s just not going to happen. Yoga says, “That’s okay!”

You can begin a practice with NO EXPERIENCE! You may have never stepped on a yoga mat before, but that’s okay. Yoga wraps its welcoming arms around you and gives you all the feels.

rest ready tips
Practicing yoga together is such a wonderful bonding activity!

If you practice consistently, you WILL become more flexible over time. You just can’t push or force your body to do something it’s not able to do yet. “YET” being the key word. The only thing you can do is do what you can every day. Some days that might be more, others less.

Yoga has so many benefits for both children and adults. These days with us being home so much more, it’s is the perfect gentle activity you can do with your children in a “safe space”. You don’t have to be self-conscious — you’re at home! Yoga is also the perfect rainy day activity, when you aren’t able to get outside and enjoy some fresh air. On a nice day, go outside and practice there. It’s doesn’t have to be done indoors — you can do it almost anywhere!

You also don’t have to have a lot of accessories to practice yoga. Of course you can use a yoga mat, but it’s not essential. You may want an eye pillow for Rest & Relax, but again, it’s not a must-have.

no yoga experience needed
Kennedy Jo practicing yoga with her mama!

Exercise of any kind is good for you. Exercising with your children is so important! You are showing them good lifestyle choices and it’s such a fun activity to do together. It can be a wonderful bonding activity and it’s something you can improve on together as you increase your ability to do more over time. I encourage you to give it a try.

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