
Activities on Transportation for Preschoolers

Preschoolers are naturally curious and imaginative, so activities related to transportation can be a great way for them to explore the world around them. From making their own boats out of recycled materials to learning about different types of vehicles with books and activities, activities on transportation offer many opportunities for growth and development. Here are some fun activities on transportation that you can do with your preschooler:

1. Make a Boat – Have your preschooler create their own boat out of recycled materials like milk cartons, cardboard boxes, or even random household items! They can paint it, decorate it, or just keep it plain – the possibilities are endless!

The transportation counters (above) are great for sensory bins — easy to clean and versatile!

2. Take a Field Trip – Visit a museum devoted to transportation or take a bus or train ride together, and talk about the different types of vehicles you’re seeing.

3. Yoga/Movement Activity — Kids need more movement! We have Transportation themed yoga pose cards available in our TpT store. Studies show children learn through movement. Yoga can be done at circle time or any time during the day. Kids love it!

4. Learn About Aviation – Read books and watch videos about airplanes, helicopters, and other aircrafts to learn more about how they work and what they do.


5. Make a Vehicle – Use craft supplies like paper, markers, glue, and scissors to make your own cars, trucks, boats, trains – anything your preschooler can imagine! Yogalore’s Yoga & Movement Pose Cards also include directions for a car made from paper and circles!!!! 

6. Play Pretend – Eating dinner in a “car” or having tea parties with stuffed animals in “planes” are just some examples of activities on transportation for preschoolers to use their imagination!


No matter which activities on transportation you choose to do with your preschooler, they’re sure to have a great time and learn something new along the way. Have fun!

**Note: This content is meant for informational purposes only. Please use caution when doing activities with small children as some activities may require adult supervision.**

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