Children’s yoga poses. What comes to your mind when you read that phrase? For a lot of people, they picture children with their little bodies contorted in all kinds of crazy ways. Or they may think, “I’m not flexible! I can’t do that!” I want to dispel any myths or thoughts that might be preventing you from using yoga as a regular teaching tool in your classroom, using yoga as part of a therapy plan for a child, or even from using yoga at home as a calming tool and family activity.

There Isn’t Enough Room in My Classroom!
I know sometimes space can be an issue. You don’t have to have space for 25 yoga mats. You don’t have to have space for any yoga mats at all. I teach at different locations — in classrooms, large community rooms, libraries, etc. I can’t haul around yoga mats everywhere I go. It’s not practical and honestly, not necessary.
I use yoga “dots”. Just circles I cut out of yoga mats for each child. You don’t even really need those, especially once your students or children get used to doing yoga regularly. For my purposes, yoga dots work well to keep children in their own space/area and they take up a lot less room. If your room has a rug or carpet, that works just fine too. If there is a room at your school that doesn’t have much furniture, that would work well too. Weather permitting, you can even do yoga outside, which is a lot of fun for the students.

My Body Can’t Do Yoga Poses!
Stop. Stop right there. Seriously. I hear this more than probably anything else when talking with teachers about using yoga in classrooms. Or even parents for home. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE FLEXIBLE TO DO YOGA!!!!!!!!!! Remember — you are with children — cute, sweet, loveable children who don’t care how well you can do downward dog. We’re talking children’s yoga poses. You know, for CHILDREN. 🙂 What would you say to a child who says to you, “I can’t do that!!!!” My guess is you would say something along lines of, “Just try your best.” That’s what I am saying to you: Try your best. I strongly urge you to try doing these yoga poses with your students for a few reasons. One, the children love you actively participating with them. Two, it helps keep them engaged. Three, children aren’t the only ones who benefit from doing yoga. You get all the benefits yoga has to offer when you participate!
Where Do I Start?
Good question. Where DO you start? That’s the easy part. We have everything you need for a year’s worth of yoga (over 50 pose card sets) in one bundle. Print them out and laminate or use them digitally — use them over and over again. We have some of the most popular themes for preschool and kindergarten and maybe even some you haven’t thought of before! If you purchase Yogalore’s Mega Bundle, you will save over 30%!!!!!! One kindergarten says, “I love using the movement cards with my students!” Another teacher says, “My students loved going through the poses first and trying out with read aloud. Very engaging. Thanks!”

Once you download your cards, that’s pretty much it! Use them digitally (this is what I do now) or printed, the cards are pretty simple. Just follow along and do the children’s yoga poses on the cards. The cards aren’t cluttered and easy to read. Some sets of pose cards have fun facts, most all have cute clipart to help the children with visual cues and some cards even come with Yogalore lesson plans which include a sensory activity and a guided visualization for Rest & Relax. And if you ever have any problems or questions, just message me through TeachersPayTeachers or e-mail me. As much as we try to make things go smoothly, sometimes things happen. Technology doesn’t work the way it should and you need to be able to get support or a question answered.
It’s not a small investment, I know, but it’s worth it. Yoga in the classroom adds so much to your students’ days. One activity, but it has so many benefits.
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