
Earth Day Art Activity: Marble Painting

Happy Earth Day! For today’s activity, we’re going to need paint — blue and green paint. If you were like me and had no “kid paint” on hand at home (mine is all still at school!), here is the recipe for paint that we made yesterday. You probably have the ingredients already and it doesn’t take long to make.

For today’s activity, you will need:
paper (I used white cardstock, the thicker the paper, the better)
blue and green paint
some kind of tray (cookie sheet, art tray, something with sides)
10 -15 marbles
paint brush or craft sticks — something to get your paint from the container to the paper if you don’t have paint in squeeze bottles

First thing you will need for this project is the “Earth template”. You can download that here.

Next, turn your template face down on the tray.

Get your blue and green paint and put a few small blobs of each color onto your paper. I did green first, then the blue, but really it’s up to you. Then add some marbles (all of them if you are doing your colors together).

Once you have your paint and marbles, very carefully start tilting your tray in all different directions. NOTE: If your paint is a little thick, you may have to thin it with a little bit of water. I had to do this with the DIY paint. If your paint is too thick, your marbles will get stuck!

earth day art

The goal is to basically cover your entire piece of paper with the blue and green paint, using the marbles to distribute the paint onto the paper.

earth day art
This is what my paper looked like when I was close to being finished.

Leave your paper on the tray to dry. I took my marbles and put them in a cup of hot soapy water and the paint came right off and I let them dry on a paper towel.

Once your paper is dry, turn it over and you’ll have your “Earth”. Cut out the circle, flip it over and there’s your Earth!

Happy Earth Day!!!!!!!

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