
Paint Recipe: DIY, Fun and the Clean Up Is So Easy!

I decided we would do a quick and easy paint recipe because we will need paint for tomorrow’s Earth Day activity. So if you don’t have any paint, chances are you do have these three ingredients to make your own. It’s easy and the kids really enjoy making it.

You’ll Need:
1 cup flour
3/4 cup warm water
1/4 cup liquid dish soap (liquid hand soap might work, but I haven’t tried it
food coloring (I like Wilton’s gel food coloring)

Mix together flour and water. Add dish soap. Mix well. I then separate my mixture into several smaller containers before I add the food coloring so I can make a couple of colors from one batch.

Depending on your activity, you might want to add a little more warm water to your paint mixtures to thin it out. I had to do that when doing our art activity for tomorrow. It was just a little too thick.

diy paint recipe
My mixtures before adding the food coloring.


DIY paint recipe
After I added the food coloring…

I stored my paint in small airtight containers because I need to use my paint later for another project. Depending on your project, you may end up using all of your paint. I’ll have to report back after I have kept the paint awhile.

ETA: This paint is a one-time use kind of thing. After 2 days my paint separated (colored water and flour). So unless you are doing a pretty big project, it’s probably best to split up the flour/soap water mixtures into containers BEFORE you add color (less waste that way).

I used card stock because I wanted thicker paper and with the added water, I think it was a good choice. You can see where the paper got a little too much water. It dried just fine, but if you are using thinner paper you may want to skip the added water in your paint recipe.

Clean up is easy of course — because of the dishsoap! Just water. That’s it!

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