
Lesson Planning: Preschool Lesson Plans

Lesson planning for preschool teachers can sometimes feel overwhelming. There are many factors to keep in mind — essential skills that need to be included, time allotted for tasks, time spent on planning itself and sometimes even cost of materials or necessary items for a specific lesson plan. Lesson planning not only ensures that your students are engaged and learning, but it also helps you stay organized and on track with curriculum goals. However, lesson planning for preschool can be time-consuming and overwhelming, especially for new teachers or those with multiple responsibilities. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for efficient lesson planning and low-prep ideas to help you save time while still delivering meaningful lessons to your preschool students.

Tips for Efficient Lesson Planning

  1. Set clear learning objectives: Before you even start planning a lesson, make sure you have clearly defined learning objectives in mind. This will help you focus on what is important and avoid getting sidetracked by unnecessary activities.
  2. Utilize resources: There are many online resources available such as lesson plan templates, activity ideas, and curriculum guides that can save you time in planning. You can also reach out to other teachers or your school’s curriculum coordinator for support.



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  1. Plan ahead: Set aside a specific time each week to plan for the upcoming week or month. This will help you stay on top of your lessons and avoid last-minute scrambling.
  2. Keep it simple: Sometimes, less is more when it comes to lesson planning. Focus on a few key concepts or activities rather than trying to squeeze in too much content. This will not only save you time but also allow for deeper learning.
  3. Stay flexible: Even with the best-laid plans, things may not always go as expected. It’s important to be flexible and adapt your lessons as needed for the benefit of your students.


Low-Prep Lesson Ideas

Now that we’ve covered some tips for efficient lesson planning, let’s dive into some low-prep ideas that can save you time while still engaging and educating your preschool students.

  1. Sensory bins: These are easy to set up and can be used for a variety of learning objectives. Simply fill a bin with materials such as rice, beans, or water and add in some small toys or objects related to your lesson theme.
  2. Storytelling: Children love stories, and you can easily incorporate them into your lessons without much preparation. Use props or finger puppets to bring stories to life, or have the children act out their own versions of familiar tales.
  3. Nature walks: Take your students on a nature walk around your school grounds or nearby park. Encourage them to observe and collect items such as leaves, rocks, or flowers that can be used for art projects or science exploration later on.
  4. Cooking activities: Children love getting messy in the kitchen, and cooking activities are not only fun but also teach important skills such as following directions and measurement. Keep it simple with no-bake recipes or use pre-made dough to save time.
  5. Open-ended art: Rather than having a specific project in mind, provide materials such as paper, paint, and markers for your students to create their own artwork. This allows for creativity and self-expression without the pressure of a set outcome.




Lesson planning for preschool doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By setting clear objectives, utilizing resources, and incorporating low-prep ideas, you can save time while still providing meaningful learning experiences for your preschool students. Remember to stay flexible and have fun with your lessons – after all, children learn best when they are engaged and having a good time! So, be creative and find ways to make lesson planning more efficient while still being effective in educating your young learners. With these tips and ideas, you can become a master of low-prep lesson planning for preschool. Happy teaching!

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