Getting children to calm down and become “rest-ready” can sometimes be difficult. We want our children to not only have the ability to calm down at bedtime, but also when they need to be or become over-stimulated. We wanted to give you a few rest-ready tips in the hopes that bedtime or calming down might be a little easier.

The Struggle Can Be Very Real
Yoga has so many benefits and is one great way for children to starting learning the process of calming down and/or getting ready for bed. We’re taking our Rest & Relax from our YoGalore class and bringing it home for bedtime. Some children who may struggle with Sensory Processing Disorder may get overstimulated in environments where they (or you for that matter) have little or no control. It can be too much. Learning ways to refocus and calm our bodies is so important!

Getting “Rest-Ready”
In our YoGalore classes we really have to make the most of our time. If time weren’t a factor I could do one class for hours! The reality is most of our classes are 30 minutes to an hour. With a class of 30 minutes, it’s a lot of transitioning in a small amount of time. The children can do it and do it every week without incident. It may seem like all those transitions make it hard for the children to get rest-ready. If you are doubting if it’s possible to really get children rest-ready — I assure you, it is! If we can do it in class, you can do it at home.
One thing I want to mention is children can see and feel your anxiety. If you are rushed or are stressed because bedtime has been difficult as of late, calm yourself first. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. You may need two breaths, maybe even three! And that’s okay. Children will follow your lead. So if the desired result is for your child to wind down, show them what that looks and feels like.

Routine is crucial. It just is. Children love knowing what to expect and predictability helps them feel safe and secure. Before you even get to yoga, have a bedtime routine. I know things are hectic, especially if you have more than one child, but try to have a time where your child starts a routine. In our home, it was always bedtime snack/dessert, bath (which is a calming activity in itself), jammies, brush teeth, read stories and then bed.

When my son was little I hadn’t discovered the world of yoga. If I had, we would have done it before bed. Probably before or after reading stories, but you need to adjust to what works for you. If it suits you and works well, make it a family affair and the whole family can participate. What a fun family activity!
YoGalore’s Bedtime Yoga Sequence
Even if yoga is a part of your child’s bedtime routine and has been for so long they can do it from memory, (and trust me, if you do the same sequence every night, they will pick it up very quickly!) continue to practice yoga with them. It’s good for you and it’s good for them. Allow them to “be the teacher” sometimes. It’s so important to instill these habits when they’re young.
Hope you enjoyed our rest ready tips!
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