
Eagle Pose: Great for Balance and Focus

If you’re looking for a pose that is challenging, helps improve balance and focus, eagle pose is for you.

Eagle pose, also known as Garudasana, is a powerful yoga posture with many benefits. It is an excellent way to build strength in the legs and arms and to increase flexibility. Additionally, this pose helps with balance and coordination, making it a great tool for athletes. By stretching the shoulders, chest, and upper back muscles involved in this yoga pose, eagle pose can help release tension from those areas. It can even improve mental clarity and focus by calming the mind. With regular practice of eagle pose, practitioners will experience improved physical strength while improving their sense of well-being.

When practicing eagle pose it is important to move slowly and purposefully into each position to ensure proper alignment. Begin by standing with your feet firmly planted on the ground and your arms at your side. Begin to cross one arm over the other, bringing your palms together in front of you. Turn your elbows outward and bend them as if trying to wrap them around each other as much as possible. Take a deep breath and lift both feet up off the floor, wrapping one leg over the other until you feel stable enough to take flight (or eagle pose). Hold this posture for two breaths before slowly releasing from the position.

Eagle pose is an excellent tool for kids looking to explore yoga, which can help improve strength, balance, coordination, and mental clarity. It is also a great way for children to practice mindful breathing techniques that can help reduce stress levels and improve concentration. With proper guidance and instruction, children can learn to safely practice this pose with confidence.

When taught correctly, eagle pose provides many benefits and is a great way to start yoga practice for kids. It helps increase strength, balance and coordination while calming the mind and reducing stress levels. Through mindful practice of eagle pose, children will gain many physical and mental health benefits that will last a lifetime. So what are you waiting for? Let your little yogis take flight!

My students love eagle pose mostly because it is difficult. They try to see who can balance the longest or who can clasp their hands together instead of keeping hands back to back (a slight modification if the hand clasp is a bit much).

I usually begin teaching eagle pose with the arms…some of my students sometimes have difficulty trying to mimic what they see, so we break it up into segments (cross arms at the elbows, then bring arms up in front with hands back to back). Then we try to clasp our hands if possible.

After getting the hang of what to do from the waist up, we move on to the legs. Most students can wrap one leg around the other…but then we add “the sit” to it…we sometimes encounter problems. I tell my students they can cross one foot over the other and squish their toes into the mat to help balance themselves, like we do sometimes for tree pose. This usually reassures them.

eagle pose

I think for quite a few of my students eagle pose is somewhat difficult because your arms are “occupied” or “tied up”. If you fall, will you be able to brace yourself in time? That can be a scary feeling, so everyone has to go at their own pace.

And isn’t that what it’s all about? Have a great Monday!



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