
Yoga for Children — Benefits That Can Last a Lifetime

Yoga seems to be the “in” thing as of late. While that might be true, there are proven scientific benefits to doing yoga. We already know it helps adults focus, relax, alleviate stress, become more physically fit and flexible, but most people don’t know it can also help children – in some ways that might surprise you. Yoga for children is becoming more popular all the time (which we couldn’t be happier about!)

“Yoga” translated means “union”. Yoga is the union of mind, body and spirit. Yogis (those who practice yoga) are to live in harmony with themselves and the world around them.

yoga for children

Relaxes and Alleviates Stress.
Yes, children do have stress. In a world that is high-tech, fast-paced and filled with sometimes too many extracurricular activities, yoga can help children become more calm and relaxed, just like adults.

Builds Self-Confidence.
Both children and adults need to feel confident and have good self-esteem. Yoga can help with a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment which, of course, can make someone feel good about themselves and more confident in other areas of their life.

Increases Physical Activity.
Studies indicate that an estimated 17 percent of children and adolescents ages 2-19 years are overweight. Childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic in this country. Children seem less likely to play outside, ride bikes, participate in sports because of society’s obsession with video games and all things electronic. Yoga helps to tone the body and increase flexibility. The more physical activity in a child’s life, the better off he/she is. We all know the benefits of regular exercise and how exercise helps prevent many conditions that often be fatal if left untreated or unattended to.

Builds Strength Balance and Coordination.
When having a regular yoga practice, poses help to build muscle tone and core stability and enhances coordination and agility by improving neuromuscular communication. Yoga improves the integration of sensorimotor control from visual, proprioceptive and vestibular inputs.

Ability to Focus
Because yoga helps to calm, it can also help focus. Studies have shown that yoga for children can be beneficial for those who may struggle with ADD and ADHD. These children are prone to have difficulty focusing and concentrating in school.

yoga for children

Increases Body Awareness.
Studies have shown children who may fall on the autism spectrum or have other sensory and motor development issues can also benefit from yoga. Yoga teaches you to become more aware of your body – what you need to do to become more comfortable while trying a certain pose or to be aware of your body’s limits.

Yoga for children is beneficial. We here at Yogalore recognize that, and want to expand on that by incorporating sensory elements into lesson plans to encourage children to explore their surroundings, to learn about the world around them. Yoga can be an excellent foundation for a lifetime of healthy lifestyle choices. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every child starting in their toddler years at least, could have yoga as a part of their everyday lives?

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