Yogalore workshop, anyone? Our first Yogalore workshop went without a hitch. We had such a good turnout and had so much fun! We began our workshop with a little yoga to get moving and then onto the sensory activities! The kids really liked the variety of activities and seemed to enjoy getting to switch to a new center every ten minutes or so — the frequency of switching kept the activities from getting old.

When I teach my Yogalore classes I am a huge fan of breaking larger groups up into smaller groups. I believe that it gives kids a chance to interact with their friends in a way that you really can’t do when the class functions as one large group.
The sensory activities that I plan on doing in my classes just really aren’t designed for a large group all at once. The Yogalore workshop is designed for kids to be able to have several hands-on sensory experiences during our time together.

Our sensory stations included — playdough, shaving cream, water beads along with cornstarch and water, which was a little messy, but a lot of fun. Students spent several minutes at each station until it was time to clean up and move on to our next activity.

We each got a turn walking along the “balance beam” and lining up for the roller coaster and tunnel. Everyone got a turn crawling through the tunnel, even though sometimes it was hard to be patient.
We ended our time together with a Rest & Relax partnered with some calming music. What a great way to end our time together. After so much yoga and sensory play, taking a few minutes to relax and unwind was a perfect way to end our Yogalore workshop

All in all it was a great first workshop. Thank you First United Methodist Preschool for allowing us to come and spend the afternoon with you. We had so much fun and hope you’ll allow us to come back again!
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