
Sensory Activity of the Week: Shaving Cream!

Using shaving cream as a sensory activity is great for a number of reasons. First of all it’s very inexpensive and can be found almost anywhere. Second, it’s a sensory activity that’s easy to set up and easy to clean up, which many of us need to take into consideration whether we’re teaching at school, on location, or even at home.

Prep Work

I bought several of those inexpensive plastic trays you can find at places like the dollar store. They often have them in the spring and summer months with their outdoor items and now is the perfect time to start looking. I squirt out some shaving cream in the middle of the tray and there you have it — instant sensory activity. Or you could choose to be “old school” and squirt it directly onto a table or each student’s desk.

shaving creamThere are countless ways to use it with kids. Here are some ideas to get you started: Add a drop of food coloring…you can hide objects in the shaving cream and students can fish them out, counting the objects as they remove them.

Other Ways to Use Shaving Cream

Children can use their finger and write the letter their name begins with, their entire name, or spell words or draw in it. You can also use food coloring and shaving cream along with a paintbrush in the bathtub for some awesome bath time art! Mixing food coloring and cornstarch along with it can give a totally different texture and feel.

yogalore workshop

And let’s face it — playing in it is just plain fun. There’s something about squishing it through your fingers…and trying to get it off your hands! It also makes the room smell SO GOOD! Activities like these can be creative and educational while also being fun hands-on activities. In case you were wondering about the safety using it in the classroom, here’s a wonderful resource:

*As with any activity, children/students should be supervised by a responsible adult.

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