Our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom printables are one of my favorite freebies we have available on the site. I had the best time making these! These printables make the perfect activity to pair with the book. I love the vivid colors and the sing-songy text!
Use as coloring sheets, or have small counters to place over the letters as they’re identified. Dot markers are also a fun choice. You can also use these on a light table or light board. Place in a sheet protector to use repeatedly (you can use dry erase markers for coloring) or even playdough to fill in the design.
My son had a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom computer game (23 years ago!) that had a cute song that went along with it. I *still* to this day remember that song and think of it whenever I think of the book. Funny how things stick with you through the years.
When I taught preschool, one of my favorite bulletin boards I made was for this book. It was basically the cover of the book, with a giant tree, the letters scattered around the tree and the dots that were also on the cover.
There’s also a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom DVD
Why Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Printables?
This book by Bill Martin, Jr. is a children’s classic and is a preschool staple in so many classrooms. Used to teach letter identification, it’s one of the building blocks to reading — being able to identify letters and learn their sounds.
Uppercase Printable

Lowercase Printable
More things based on books by Bill Martin, Jr and Eric Carle? Visit our store on TpT!