
Activities for Very Hungry Caterpillar for Preschoolers

If you’re putting together a lesson plan and need activities for The Very Hungry Caterpillar for preschoolers or kindergarten and need some unique activities that are movement-based — look no further! This classic story by Eric Carle teaches so many concepts all at once — days of the week, counting, colors and the lifecycle of the butterfly. The illustrations are gorgeous collage style artwork that you immediately know it’s the work of Eric Carle.

Yogalore has a yoga lesson plan that follows along with the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. You can either do the yoga poses first and then read the story (I do this most often), do the yoga along with the story as you read or read the story, then do the yoga poses that pair with the story.

Our yoga pose cards were inspired by Eric Carle and his style of bright vivid colors. Many of the yoga cards have facts about some of the foods mentioned in the story, which is great if you also want to incorporate a little health and nutrition.


When I teach I use the cards digitally on a large flat screen and the children really respond to seeing other children doing the yoga poses as I do them too. They love the clipart which helps them identify some of the “poses” or movements we have in the yoga pose cards.

Our lesson plan also has a suggestion for a sensory activity — which is so important for little learners! And don’t forget Rest & Relax. Many of my students will tell you without hesitation that Rest & Relax is their favorite part of class. This particular yoga lesson plan contains a short guided relaxation which relates to the story and can be read to the children during Rest & Relax.

We have several activities for preschoolers in our The Very Hungry Caterpillar Yogalore lesson plan. This saves you time while your students receive all the benefits of yoga and sensory play.

For this set of yoga cards for preschoolers and many other products to help you bring yoga into your classroom, visit our TpT Store or our store on Etsy.

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