
Mermaid Printable — Counting Numbers 1 – 12

Our mermaid printable is so cute! Print and place in a sheet protector to reuse. There are so many options for printables. Use glass gems, dab markers, bingo chips, playdough — really anything — to count and cover the numbers as you go!

You can find all kinds of small manipulatives (glass gems, reusable ice cubes, etc.) at the dollar store or on Amazon. My students love using glass gems and bingo chips to use on the light board with printables. It’s a favorite for sure.

Click here to download the mermaid activity mat.

I’m a little biased, but if mermaids or mermen are popular in your home or classroom, our If I Were a Mermaid eBook, pose cards and guided visualization for Rest & Relax is a must-have! My friend Amanda and her daughter wrote the eBook together and I put it to yoga pose cards and added the guided visualization. Amanda and her daughter also did the illustrations for the eBook. Aren’t they adorable? Add to the mermaid printable and you have a complete lesson plan with story, yoga, activity and Rest & Relax!

You may also be interested in our mermaid yoga pose cards and eBook!

If you aren’t sure what Rest & Relax is, it’s a component of our Yogalore curriculum. It’s the calming, restful part of yoga at the end of a yoga practice — savasana — which means “corpse pose”. During Rest & Relax, it’s a time to rest minds and bodies, so you have several options how to use that time. You can read a guided visualization while children are relaxing, play soft, calming music and/or turn the lights off or down. Some children like to use sensory or calming bottles during this time. It really depends on what you think will be most soothing and relaxing to your child or group.

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